Morning yoga, Gotland

Client: Lind & Co (publishing company)

It was decided. All the photographs for author Per Soder’s new book “Stressyoga”, was to be captured on the islands of Gotland in Sweden and at Mallorca, Spain.

Janet (logistics manager) and I had spent three days doing rekkie trips around the island searching for potential locations for photo shoots. After some adventurous off-the-beaten-track-style looking, we did find this fantastic place.

About 4 am (yes, in the morning) we all parked our cars at the nearest possible place, and from there we went on by foot; climbing over stiles, walking through forests, negotiating the cow fields. All to get to the location.

Johanna (the model) was getting ready at the footbridge, Per (author) gave directions, and I was preparing the camera. Then we just waited for that morning mist that I imagined. No mist arrived and we decided to shoot anyway. But then, just as we were going to start, the beautiful mist floated in our view and we could nail the image at 05.32.